3 1 1880 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)

5 1 1880 Davidson appointed to replace King. (TH)

6 2 1880 Swimming Club Meeting. (TH)

7 2 1880 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)

7 2 1880 Fundraising show (TH)

16 2 1880 Government Donation. (TH)

24 2 1880 Swimming Club Competition Handicaps. (TH)

4 3 1880 Swimming Competition Results. (TH)

13 3 1880 Sir William Fox fundraising lecture. (TH)

5 5 1880 Board goes to Council Cap in Hand for Funds. (TH)

3 6 1880 Letter to Editor re Lack of Funds for the Recreation Board. (TH)

8 6 1880 Borough Council – Notice of Motion for Council to take over Rec. (TH)

10 6 1880 Acclimatisation Soc urged to make a donation to the Rec. (TH)

23 6 1880 Motion to take over rec withdrawn. (TH)

28 6 1880 Plea for Funds for the Recreation Board. (TH)

2 7 1880 Fundraising Bazaar. (TH)

8 9 1880 Notice of Motion for Council to Take over Rec withdrawn. (TH)

11 9 1880 Major Atkinson sends Donation. (TH)

16 9 1880 Major Atkinson sends Donation. (TH)

17 9 1880 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)

12 10 1880 Receipt of Vitis Californica seeds. (TH)

12 10 1880 Trout ova for Rec. (Patea Mail)

3 11 1880 Footbridge to be erected on Gill Street for Recreation Ground. (TH)

13 11 1880 Recreation Grounds presented with Water Lilies. (TH)