8 2 1897 Curator told to shoot dogs harassing swans. (TH)
15 2 1897 Curator finds body in main lake. (TH)
16 2 1897 Annie Way inquest (TH)
25 2 1897 Dissolution of Sports Committee – surplus money for drinking fountain. (TH)
6 3 1897 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
16 3 1897 R H Mace appointed assistant caretaker. (TH)
26 3 1897 Recreation Ground Board meeting -Annual Report. (TH)
d 5 4 1897 Repainting poet’s bridge. (TH)
5 4 1897 Repainting poet’s bridge. (TH)
8 4 1897 Letter to editor defending rec board. (TH)
15 4 1897 Black swans donated. (TH)
10 5 1897 Dispute with Star Football Club. (TH)
10 5 1897 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
12 5 1897 Dispute with Star Football Club. (TH)
12 5 1897 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
13 5 1897 Donation of ferns. (TH)
10 6 1897 Ad for Jubilee. (TH)
11 6 1897 Fountain progress. (TH)
12 6 1897 Ad for unveiling of fountain. (TH)
15 6 1897 Summary of all land purchases. (TH)
16 6 1897 Use of prison labour to get grounds in order. (TH)
18 6 1897 Fountain and land purchases. (TH)
21 6 1897 Ad for funds for land purchase. (TH)
23 6 1897 Unveiling Jubilee Water Fountain. (TH)
3 7 1897 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
20 7 1897 Sports ground dressing room built. (TH)
13 8 1897 Martha King leaves money in will. (TH)
4 9 1897 Recreation Ground Board meeting. (TH)
7 9 1897 Martha King second payment. (TH)
22 9 1897 Last Martha King payment. (TH)
28 9 1897 Floral Fete committee. (TH)